Goldcorp reveals good news for the Dome Mine Century Project – by Len Gillis (Timmins Daily Press – November 1, 2017)

More “positive” news has emerged about Goldcorp’s Century Project in Timmins which is a proposed expansion of the existing Dome Mine open pit operation.

Goldcorp has released a “reserves and resource estimate” that reveal the pre-feasibility study for the Century Project gold mine has been completed and the news was good.

“The Base Case Pre-Feasibility Study was positive and Goldcorp believes that exploration drilling and the upcoming optimization study could continue to add value to this organic project with low execution risk in a proven mining district,” said the report.

It was one year ago today, on October 31, 2016, that the news of the Century Project broke in Timmins when The Daily Press revealed that Goldcorp had uncovered new gold resources surrounding its pit in South Porcupine.

This past week, Goldcorp revealed that on a company-wide scale, its gold mineral reserves have increased to 53.5-million ounces, compared to 42.3-million ounces one year ago … an increase of 11.2-million ounces. The company report said the Timmins project has so far played a big role in that.

“The addition of 11.2 million ounces of gold mineral reserves during the period includes 5.6 million ounces converted from successful exploration and mine design optimization, primarily driven by the inaugural gold mineral reserves of 4.7 million ounces at Porcupine’s Century Project,” said the report.

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