NEWS RELEASE: Release of the NOAMI Inventory of Orphaned and Abandoned Mines (April 2017)

The members of the National Orphaned and Abandoned Mines Initiative (NOAMI), working in collaboration with numerous partners, including provinces, territories and several federal departments, have joined their efforts to provide Canadians and other stakeholders with access to a new inventory of orphaned and abandoned mines in Canada.

Launched in 2002, NOAMI was created as a multi‐stakeholder initiative in response to a request by federal, provincial and territorial mines ministers to address issues related to orphaned and abandoned mines in Canada.  Since its inception, the members of NOAMI recognised the need to develop a Canada‐wide approach to bring together the patch‐work of inventories currently held by provincial, territorial and federal jurisdictions across Canada.

Released today, the NOAMI inventory is designed to build on the strengths of these individual inventories and to provide users of this information with a tool that offers a single‐window, web‐based access to data from multiple jurisdictions, and facilitate the addition of more detailed information in the future.   A web portal approach is used whenever possible, providing users with a link to the original data source.  

The site includes an interactive user‐friendly map to display the orphaned and abandoned sites from the jurisdictions participating in this inventory.  Work continues to integrate information from the remaining jurisdictions.

Users are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the definitions applied in the portal to display the data in the NOAMI inventory, and to make note of the various definitions and specific details associated with each jurisdictional inventory when interpreting the data.

NOAMI partners and stakeholders continue to provide Canadians with information relating to orphaned and abandoned mines to enable sound and transparent decision‐making, cost‐efficient planning and sustainable rehabilitation.  Please take the opportunity to visit the NOAMI Inventory at:

For further information on NOAMI please visit our website: